
The list of publications including Japanese papers and talks. They are also found in:


  1. JFP
    Signature restriction for polymorphic algebraic effects
    Taro SekiyamaTakeshi Tsukada, and Atsushi Igarashi
    Journal of Functional Programming (JFP), vol. 34 , 2024
    This article extends the paper published at ICFP’20 with the same title.
  2. Answer Refinement Modification: Refinement Type System for Algebraic Effects and Handlers
    Fuga KawamataHiroshi UnnoTaro Sekiyama, and Tachio Terauchi
    Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (PACML), vol. 8 (POPL) , 2024
  3. Space-Efficient Polymorphic Gradual Typing, Mostly Parametric
    Atsushi IgarashiShota OzakiTaro Sekiyama, and Yudai Tanabe
    Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (PACML), vol. 8 (PLDI) , 2024
  4. Abstracting Effect Systems for Algebraic Effect Handlers
    Takuma Yoshioka, Taro Sekiyama, and Atsushi Igarashi
    Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (PACML), vol. 8 (ICFP) , 2024
  5. Higher-Order Model Checking of Effect-Handling Programs with Answer-Type Modification
    Taro Sekiyama, and Hiroshi Unno
    Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (PACML), vol. 8 (OOPSLA2) , 2024
  6. Formal Support for Threat Modeling with Attack Decision Diagrams
    Misato Nakabayashi, Taro SekiyamaIchiro Hasuo, and Yutaka Ishikawa
    In Proceedings of the 48th IEEE Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), 2024
  7. Rabbit: A Language to Model and Verify Data Flow in Networked Systems
    In Proceedings of the 2024 International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC), 2024


  1. Temporal Verification with Answer-Effect Modification: Dependent Temporal Type-and-Effect System with Delimited Continuations
    Taro Sekiyama, and Hiroshi Unno
    Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (PACML), vol. 7 (POPL) , 2023
  2. Automated Security Analysis for Real-World IoT Devices
    Lélio BrunIchiro Hasuo, Yasushi Ono, and Taro Sekiyama
    In Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Hardware and Architectural Support for Security and Privacy (HASP), 2023


  1. Learning Heuristics for Template-based CEGIS of Loop Invariants with Reinforcement Learning
    ArXiv e-prints, vol. abs/2107.09766 , 2022
  2. Dependent Temporal Type-and-Effect System with Delimited Continuations
    Taro Sekiyama, and Hiroshi Unno
    In The 10th ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Higher-Order Programming with Effects (HOPE), Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2022


  1. CPS transformation with affine types for call-by-value implicit polymorphism
    Taro Sekiyama, and Takeshi Tsukada
    Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (PACML), vol. 5 (ICFP) , 2021
  2. SAS
    Toward Neural-Network-Guided Program Synthesis and Verification
    Naoki KobayashiTaro SekiyamaIssei Sato, and Hiroshi Unno
    In Proceedings of the 28th Static Analysis Symposium (SAS), 2021
  3. Is Space-Efficient Polymorphic Gradual Typing Possible?
    Shota OzakiTaro Sekiyama, and Atsushi Igarashi
    In The 28th Scheme and Functional Programming Workshop, 2021
  4. CPS Transformation with Affine Types for Implicit Polymorphism
    Taro Sekiyama
    Dagstuhl Seminar 21292: Scalable Handling of Effects


  1. WGT
    Gradual Typing for Extensibility by Rows
    Taro Sekiyama, and Atsushi Igarashi
    In The 1st ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Gradual Typing (WGT), 2020
  2. Signature restriction for polymorphic algebraic effects
    Taro SekiyamaTakeshi Tsukada, and Atsushi Igarashi
    Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (PACML), vol. 4 (ICFP) , 2020
  3. Weighted Automata Extraction from Recurrent Neural Networks via Regression on State Spaces
    Takamasa OkudonoMasaki WagaTaro Sekiyama, and Ichiro Hasuo
    In Proceedings of the 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2020


  1. Dynamic type inference for gradual Hindley–Milner typing
    Yusuke MiyazakiTaro Sekiyama, and Atsushi Igarashi
    Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (PACML), vol. 3 (POPL) , 2019
  2. Handling Polymorphic Algebraic Effects
    Taro Sekiyama, and Atsushi Igarashi
    In Proceedings of the 28th European Symposium on Programming (ESOP), 2019
  3. Automated Proof Synthesis for the Minimal Propositional Logic with Deep Neural Networks
    Taro Sekiyama, and Kohei Suenaga
    In 第21回プログラミングおよびプログラミング言語ワークショップ (PPL), 岩手, 花巻, 2019
  4. Dynamic type inference for gradual Hindley–Milner typing
    Yusuke MiyazakiTaro Sekiyama, and Atsushi Igarashi
    In 第21回プログラミングおよびプログラミング言語ワークショップ (PPL), 岩手, 花巻, 2019
  5. Automated Proof Synthesis for the Minimal Propositional Logic with Deep Neural Networks
    Taro Sekiyama, and Kohei Suenaga
    In The 21th JSSST Workshop on Programming and Programming Languages (PPL), 2019
  6. Dynamic type inference for gradual Hindley–Milner typing
    Yusuke MiyazakiTaro Sekiyama, and Atsushi Igarashi
    In The 21th JSSST Workshop on Programming and Programming Languages (PPL), 2019
  7. Integration of Type-Based Static and Dynamic Verification
    Taro Sekiyama
    PKU-UTokyo-NII Joint Forum
  8. Weighted Automata Extraction from Recurrent Neural Networks via Regression
    太朗 関山
    第22回情報論的学習理論ワークショップ (企画セッション1: 機械学習と離散数学)
  9. Weighted Automata Extraction from Recurrent Neural Networks via Regression
    Taro Sekiyama
    The 22th Information-Based Induction Sciences Workshop (IBIS), Session: Machine Learning and Discrete Mathematics


  1. Large Model Support for Deep Learning in Caffe and Chainer
    Minsik ChoTung D. Le, Ulrich A. Finkler, Haruki ImaiYasushi NegishiTaro SekiyamaSaritha Vinod, Vladimir Zolotov, Kiyokuni KawachiyaDavid S. Kung, and Hillery C. Hunter
    In The 1st SysML Conference, 2018
  2. Involving CPUs into Multi-GPU Deep Learning
    In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE), 2018
  3. Lung nodule classification by the combination of fusion classifier and cascaded convolutional neural networks
    Masaharu Sakamoto, Hiroki Nakano, Kun Zhao, and Taro Sekiyama
    In 15th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 2018
  4. Automated Proof Synthesis for the Minimal Propositional Logic with Deep Neural Networks
    Taro Sekiyama, and Kohei Suenaga
    In Proceedings of the 16th Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems (APLAS), 2018
  5. Profile-guided memory optimization for deep neural networks
    Taro SekiyamaTakashi ImamichiHaruki Imai, and Rudy Raymond
    ArXiv e-prints, vol. abs/1804.10001 , 2018
  6. Reasoning about Polymorphic Manifest Contracts
    Taro Sekiyama, and Atsushi Igarashi
    ArXiv e-prints, vol. abs/1806.07041 , 2018
  7. プロファイルに基づくニューラルネットワークのためのメモリ最適化
    太朗 関山, 貴司 今道, 晴基 今井, and Rudy Raymond
    In 第35回日本ソフトウェア科学大会, 2018
  8. Stateful Manifest Contracts
    Taro Sekiyama, and Atsushi Igarashi
    In "第17回" # "fitintro", 福岡, 福岡, 2018
  9. Towards Proof Synthesis Guided by Neural Machine Translation
    Taro SekiyamaAkifumi Imanishi, and Kohei Suenaga
    , vol. , 2018
  10. Memory Optimization Based on Profiles for Neural Networks
    Taro SekiyamaTakashi ImamichiHaruki Imai, and Rudy Raymond
    In Proceedings of the 35th JSSST Convention, 2018
  11. Stateful Manifest Contracts
    Taro Sekiyama, and Atsushi Igarashi
    In The 17thForum on Information Technology (FIT), 福岡, 福岡, 2018


  1. Polymorphic Manifest Contracts, Revised and Resolved
    Taro SekiyamaAtsushi Igarashi, and Michael Greenberg
    ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS), vol. 39 (1) , 2017
  2. Stateful Manifest Contracts
    Taro Sekiyama, and Atsushi Igarashi
    In Proceedings of the 44th Annual ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL), 2017
  3. On Polymorphic Gradual Typing
    Yuu Igarashi, Taro Sekiyama, and Atsushi Igarashi
    Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (PACML), vol. 1 (ICFP) , 2017
  4. Bidirectional learning for time-series models with hidden units
    Takayuki OsogamiHiroshi Kajino, and Taro Sekiyama
    In Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2017
  5. Towards Proof Synthesis Guided by Neural Machine Translation for Intuitionistic Propositional Logic
    Taro SekiyamaAkifumi Imanishi, and Kohei Suenaga
    ArXiv e-prints, vol. abs/1706.06462 , 2017
  6. Multi-stage Neural Networks with Single-Sided Classifiers for False Positive Reduction and Its Evaluation Using Lung X-Ray CT Images
    Masaharu Sakamoto, Hiroki Nakano, Kun Zhao, and Taro Sekiyama
    In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP), 2017
  7. 深層学習によるプログラム生成の高速化
    諒文 今西, 太朗 関山, 崇行 村主, and 幸平 末永
    In 第19回プログラミングおよびプログラミング言語ワークショップ (PPL), 山梨, 笛吹, 2017
  8. 漸進的型付き多相ラムダ計算
    雄 五十嵐, 太朗 関山, and 淳 五十嵐
    In 第19回プログラミングおよびプログラミング言語ワークショップ (PPL), 山梨, 笛吹, 2017
  9. ワークスペース自動割当による畳み込みニューラルネットワークの高速化
    太朗 関山, and 晴基 今井
    In 第34回日本ソフトウェア科学大会, 2017
  10. 大規模ニューラルネットワークモデルの Out-of-Core 学習の性能評価
    晴基 今井,  根岸康, 太朗 関山, and 清久仁 河内谷
    In ハイパフォーマンスコンピューティング研究会, 2017
  11. Stateful Manifest Contracts
    Taro Sekiyama, and Atsushi Igarashi
    In 第19回プログラミングおよびプログラミング言語ワークショップ (PPL), 山梨, 笛吹, 2017
  12. Acceleration of Program Synthesis by Deep Learning
    In The 19th JSSST Workshop on Programming and Programming Languages (PPL), 2017
  13. A Gradually Typed Polymorhpic Lambda Calculus
    Yu Igarashi, Taro Sekiyama, and Atsushi Igarashi
    In The 19th JSSST Workshop on Programming and Programming Languages (PPL), 2017
  14. Acceleration of Convolutional Neural Networks by Automated Workspace Allocation
    Taro Sekiyama, and Haruki Imai
    In Proceedings of the 34th JSSST Convention, 2017
  15. Performance Evaluation of Out-of-Core Learning with Large Neural Network Models
    In Proceedings of the JSSST Workshop on High-Performance Computing, 2017
  16. Stateful Manifest Contracts
    Taro Sekiyama, and Atsushi Igarashi
    In The 19th JSSST Workshop on Programming and Programming Languages (PPL), 2017
  17. Stateful Manifest Contracts
    太朗 関山
    第34回日本ソフトウェア科学大会 トップカンファレンス特別講演


  1. An Integrated Theory of Type-Based Static and Dynamic Verification
    Taro Sekiyama
    Kyoto University, 2016
  2. Gradual Typing for Delimited Continuations
    Yusuke MiyazakiTaro Sekiyama, and Atsushi Igarashi
    In The 5th Script To Program Evolution Workshop (STOP), 2016
  3. 限定継続演算子 shift/reset のための漸進的型付け
    勇輔 宮崎, 太朗 関山, and 淳 五十嵐
    In 第18回プログラミングおよびプログラミング言語ワークショップ (PPL), 岡山, 玉野, 2016
  4. Gradual Typing for Delimited Control Operators shift/reset
    Yusuke MiyazakiTaro Sekiyama, and Atsushi Igarashi
    In The 18th JSSST Workshop on Programming and Programming Languages (PPL), 2016


  1. Manifest Contracts for Datatypes
    Taro SekiyamaYuki Nishida, and Atsushi Igarashi
    In Proceedings of the 42nd Annual ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL), 2015
  2. Shifting the Blame - A Blame Calculus with Delimited Control
    Taro Sekiyama, Soichiro Ueda, and Atsushi Igarashi
    In Proceedings of the 13th Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems (APLAS), 2015
  3. 書き換え可能参照付き顕在的契約計算
    太朗 関山
    In 第17回プログラミングおよびプログラミング言語ワークショップ (PPL), 2015
  4. 京都大学 Teen Racketeer 養成コース
    淳 五十嵐, 巧爾 中澤, 誠二 馬谷, 太朗 関山, 裕一朗 花田, 武 大元, 洋平 宮本, and 幸平 末永
    In 第17回プログラミングおよびプログラミング言語ワークショップ (PPL), 愛媛, 松山, 2015
  5. Manifest Contarcts with Mutable References
    Taro Sekiyama
    In The 17th JSSST Workshop on Programming and Programming Languages (PPL), 2015
  6. 京都大学 Teen Racketeer 養成コース
    Atsushi Igarashi, Koji Nakazawa, Seiji Umatani, Taro Sekiyama, Yuichiro Hanada, Takeshi Omoto, Yohei Miyamoto, and Kohei Suenaga
    In The 17th JSSST Workshop on Programming and Programming Languages (PPL), 2015


  1. 顕在的契約計算のための代数的データ型
    太朗 関山, 雄気 西田, and 淳 五十嵐
    In 第16回プログラミングおよびプログラミング言語ワークショップ (PPL), 2014
  2. Algebraic Datatypes for Manifest Contracts
    Taro SekiyamaYuki Nishida, and Atsushi Igarashi
    In Proceedings of the 16th JSSST Workshop on Programming and Programming Languages (PPL), 2014


  1. Logical Relations for a Manifest Calculus, Fixed
    Taro Sekiyama, and Atsushi Igarashi
    In The 1st ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Higher-Order Programming with Effects (HOPE), Copenhagen, Denmark, 2012
  2. 顕在的契約計算におけるアップキャスト除去
    太朗 関山, and 淳 五十嵐
    In 第14回プログラミングおよびプログラミング言語ワークショップ (PPL), 2012
  3. Upcast Elimination in Manifest Contracts
    Taro Sekiyama, and Atsushi Igarashi
    In Proceedings of the 14th JSSST Workshop on Programming and Programming Languages (PPL), 2012


  1. コーディングパターンとキーワードを用いて生成したコードスニペットの推薦
    太朗 関山, 浩典 伊達, 隆 石尾, and 克郎 井上
    In 第72回情報処理学会全国大会, 東京, 2010
  2. Recommendation of Code Snippets Generated by Coding Patterns and Keywords
    Taro Sekiyama, Date Hironori, Takashi Ishio, and Katsuro Inoue
    In Proceedings of the 72th IPSJ National Convention, 2010